Sacred Guidance Intuitive Readings
Assigned to you at birth, these beings of light are eager and ready to offer you love and brilliant insight into all areas of your current energy. As a spiritual intuitive, I am able to intuit their divine guidance in order to illuminate areas of your life that need personal support and guidance. I also use my clair senses to read the energy around and within you to help serve as a clarifying tool and catalyst for inner peace and deep transformation.
Questions for these readings can be as specific or general as you wish. Perhaps you’d like to become more aware or connected to your guides and angels. Or, you might seek their wisdom and guidance regarding a particular event, energy, relationship or potential happening in your life.
As a spiritual conduit, I am not able to control the information that comes through for you, so when you book, please do so with an open heart ready to receive the messages that your guides have intended for you.
◊ All sessions are 40 minutes, done remotely and recorded. These are not live calls. During your scheduled time, I will connect with your guides and answer as many questions as I can. Your reading will be emailed to you once complete. Updated turnaround times will be reflected in your confirmation email.
You are welcome to ask any (ethical) questions, but please understand these readings are intended for spiritual purposes only. Anything relating to your physical or mental health needs to be properly evaluated by a licensed professional.
In your recording, you will receive descriptions via feeling, visualization, audible messages or inner knowing about your guides, angels, loved ones and the messages they bring forward. All readings are recorded in real-time so you will the energetic transmission remotely.
Upon booking, you will have the opportunity to ask questions about your current life, traumas, anxieties, soul lessons, purpose, relationships, etc. Understand that these questions relate to you only and I will not do readings for anyone under the age of 18 or anyone who has not given consent.